Impact of Electric Vehicles on Electricity Grid Investment. Part I (The Investment Plot)

A Real-World Case Study

I was tasked with providing insights for a private client interested in the electrification of transport in an urban area, which is renowned for its forward-thinking environmental policies.

This area has experienced a significant shift towards the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) over the past decade. This impressive transformation has also necessitated substantial investments in the city's electricity grid infrastructure.

Through my analysis of the historical data, I extracted the mathematical relationship between the level of electrification of transport in that area and the required investments in the electricity grid.

As the number of residents who purchased electric vehicles increased, the demand for electricity to charge these vehicles surged. This led to the need for critical infrastructure developments, including:

  1. Expansion of Charging Stations: Numerous charging stations had to be built across residential, commercial, and public areas to support the growing number of EVs.

  2. Construction of New Power Plants: Additional power plants were constructed to generate the extra electricity needed to meet the increased demand.

  3. Enhancement of Power Distribution Networks: New power lines were installed, and existing ones upgraded, to efficiently deliver electricity to the charging stations.

I analyzed historical data from this area to illustrate the relationship between the level of electrification of transport and the investments in the electricity grid infrastructure. The graph, shown below, underlines the presence of a positive correlation between these two variables. This indicates that as more vehicles become electric, there is a corresponding increase in the necessary investments in power grid infrastructure.

The observed relationship between the level of electrification and investment requirements underscores the need for strategic planning and phased investment to support sustainable urban development. By learning from this experience, other cities can better prepare for the challenges and opportunities presented by the shift towards electric vehicles.

I discussed these findings with the client. Below are some key questions that I was asked.


  1. What does the graph show about the relationship between the level of electrification of transport and investments in power systems?

  2. How does the investment in power systems change as the percentage of electric vehicles increases from 0% to 60%?

  3. What happens to the investment rate after 60% electrification?

  4. Why do you think there is a change in the rate of investment after 60% electrification?

  5. Based on the graph, what can we infer about the stages of investment in electricity infrastructure in the area?

  6. How should the area plan its investments to handle the electrification of transport effectively?

  7. What pattern does the investment curve follow?

  8. Why might the investment curve have this shape?

  9. What implications does this graph have for planning the transition to electric vehicles?

  10. How can we use this graph to inform policy decisions regarding the electrification of transport?

  11. What are some limitations or considerations when interpreting this graph?

  12. What are the practical implications of this curve for the energy company active in this area?

Below are the answers to the above questions.

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