Impact of Electric Vehicles on Electricity Grid Investment. Part II (Mathematical analysis)

A Real-World Case Study

In the previous post (part 1), I wrote that I was tasked with providing insights for a private client interested in the electrification of transport in an urban area, which is renowned for its forward-thinking environmental policies.

As mentioned, this area has experienced a significant shift towards the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) over the past decade. This impressive transformation has also necessitated substantial investments in the city's electricity grid infrastructure.

Extracting the Mathematical Relationship

Through my analysis of historical data, I extracted the mathematical relationship between the level of electrification of transport in that area and the required investments in the electricity grid. This relationship helps in understanding how the increasing adoption of electric vehicles impacts the necessary investments in power systems.

Mathematical Notation of the Relationship

The relationship between the level of electrification of transport (x) and investments in power systems (y) is given by the following logarithmic equation:

The text below describes the interpretation and the logic of this mathematical relationship.

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